Saturday, 2 March 2019

Editors Oddities

Welcome to the index page for all the current Editors Oddities. This is where you'll find all the more obscure and often surreal media attached to the band. It will be updated as and when I have material to add. Enjoy the weirdness ;)

Oddity #1 - Japanese Promo Clip
Oddity #2 - Short Japanese promo video 2006
Oddity #3 - The Pantomime Horse Incident
Oddity #4 - "I was at this party in Ibiza when......."
Oddity #5 - The horrors of Milk
Oddity #6 - Dragonland
Oddity #7 - Chris Meets The Rock
Oddity #8 - The Subterranean Tour Blogs 2007
Oddity #9 - Chris (He's Got Them Moves Like Juggler)
Oddity #10 - Japanese Introductions
Oddity #11 - Chris in a cape introducing Brakes
Oddity #12 - Al Di vs Editors
Oddity #13 - Darts Victory/Darts Mishap
Oddity #14 - Table Tennis Conspiracy Theory
Oddity #15 - Snooker Themes and Slight Returns
Oddity #16 - Green Tea Anybody?
Oddity #17 - Indecent Proposal
Oddity #18 - Oh Russell
Oddity #19 - I kissed a guard and I liked it...
Oddity #20 - Danish Workout Video
Oddity #21 - Famously Pointless
Oddity #22 - Radio 1 Jingle (we're all doomed)
Oddity #23 - Now wash your Fingers
Oddity #24 - The Glitches
Oddity #25 - Frankensmith
Oddity #26 - Harassment of the Chris
Oddity #27 - Don't You Be So Cold
Oddity #28 - There Goes my Hero
Oddity # 29 - Waterpark Woes

brought to you with lots and lots of lemming-love :) x